Monday, August 9, 2010

Still Trying to Adjust

Well, I have made it through the first three days of Medifast without too many issues. My natural "klutzyness" seems to be the biggest problem. I got on the scale this morning and had lost 7 pounds ( remember I just started on Wednesday). I realize most if not all of this is water weight, but it is a start and is motivating and encouraging. I shared my first two days of meals already and I'll let you know the other things I tried yesterday and today. I should point out that I have had less than 900 each day. I have been keeping track of what I eat on my iPhone in an app called Lose It. I log my food and it tells me how many calories, how much protein, carbs, sodium, sugar, fat, cholesterol, and fiber I eat for each meal, for each day, and on average for the week. I also can log my weight in there. On Thursday I only ate 814 calories and that was the day I felt a bit lightheaded, so that may be the reason.
So here is what I've had on Friday and so far today.

7:00 AM Scrambled Eggs (Medifast powdered egg mix made with butter flavored Pam sprayed in a pan and some seasoning) These were not as bad as most powdered eggs. They seemed moister and this made them seem more like the real thing. Orange Sunrise Crystal Light, 16 0z. Starting drinking plain water to get a start on my 64 oz requirement.
9:30 AM Strawberry shake, made in my "Magic Bullet" with ice. This was okay, but not my favorite shake so far. More water.
1:00 PM Creamy Broccoli Soup. A little thin, but good flavor made better with a little seasoning. I read later that I could have added some extra steamed broccoli to this. Maybe I'll try this next time. Had some carbonated tropical fruit flavored water. Still drinking the plain water.
4:30PM Oatmeal Raisin bar. Surprisingly good, since it had a touch of cinnamon. The bars, by the way, are coated in a sweet, candy-like glaze. This one was white, others are dark chocolate. The bars have the consistency, but not the stickiness of Rice Krispie treats. Like I said before, they are "dense" but they are kind of small, about 3 inches.
6:00 Getting hungry. So I decide to start making my dinner. Today I decided to again have tilapia since I had made a bunch on the grill and seasoned different portions differently. I reheated it in a tiny bit of low sodium chicken broth and this let the flavor of grilling come through, but kept the fish moist. I was allowed to have 7 oz of this, and I must say it was a lot to eat-- my problem with eating the same flavor and texture. I made a salad again and had light balsamic dressing (Newman's Own has very low carb light dressings). I used chopped Spring Mix as my lettuce and added a total of 1/2 c of tomato and cucumber. One of my teachers stopped in today with fresh tomatoes from her garden and I used one of those--excellent! I also had some asparagus I had made on the grill earlier. I found out yesterday from my coach that I could "split up" my Lean and Green meal when I told her I was anxious to try the Medifast crackers, ground up, with crab meat to make a crab cake. The crackers are a "meal" and the crab would be a "meal," so I would have to split them up into two meals, which actually would be great. That way I could also have a salad at lunch, with a shake or something and the protein and one vegetable later, if I wanted. This makes the plan much more flexible. (note: I found out later this was a mistake. The crackers are a snack, not a meal. So, again more flexibility).
8:30 Getting hungry again, I have chocolate pudding (Medifast) to try as my 6th meal. I decided to try the Medifast "shaker cup" that came with my first batch of food (I guess they don't mind giving you a free $2 cup when you buy $300.00 worth of product). Well, you KNOW I had a disaster. I put in the water, then added the pudding powder, spilling some of it on the counter. I scooped up what I could, because I want ALL the calories I am allowed to have. I put the lid on. I didn't know you have to PUSH it DOWN, so liquidy brown stuff started to fly. I couldn't believe how it got some many places with one shake! So, sad to say, I lost about 1/8 of my one cup of pudding. I figured out how to close the cup. I used VERY cold water from the fridge so the pudding was ready in no time. I would say it didn't seem as smooth as what you might think a pudding would be, but it had a bit of the consistency of a mousse. But the flavor was very good and it was really filling. More water!!

Another night of getting up to pee 3 times!

8:00AM Chocolate chip pancakes (Medifast, of course). The mix made 3 3-4 inch kind of thin pancakes. This was good because I don't like think ones! I used the butter flavor Pam spray again and had sugar free low carb very lightly maple flavored syrup-- just a couple teaspoons. I like this syrup because it isn't overwhelmingly maple. It's just called Vermont Sugar Free. The pancakes were good and it was nice to eat a Medifast meal with a fork!

Went grocery shopping to Costco and Oregon Dairy--kind of odd, because there are whole sections of the stores you don't need to go to. Most of them, in fact. Gearing up for the week ahead, I got shrimp and crabmeat, flounder, and pork tenderloin. Oddly, neither store had the 99% fat free ground turkey or 96% FF ground beef. I'll have to try Giant or Stauffer's later today. I got a TON (laugh) of lettuce--romaine,iceberg, boston, spinach. I also got cauliflower and eggplant as well as some condiments and butter spray.

11:00 Time for another meal! I just made it home to do this. But I had my "bar" with me just in case. I am going to have to try to plan my days a little better in shorter segments. Today I tried a Fruit and Nut Crunch Bar. Also good. The sweetness this time was not a coating, but the fruit in the bar.

I still have 4 more meals to go today. I wanted to pace them so I had more food for the end of the day or I thought I might have a problem with hunger. I have 2 shakes and a vanilla pudding plus my real food meal. I think I will do shrimp today with a salad and another vegetable. Gretchen also told me I could have two DIFFERENT proteins as long as I followed the guidelines, so I COULD have a bit of surf and turf today since I also grilled a London Broil. So, I could have 3-4 oz of shrimp and 3 oz. beef. I'll see what I feel hungry for.

So, not too bad so far. And getting results sure helps. The week ahead will present several challenges. I have a district breakfast to go to where nothing will be "acceptable" except maybe the eggs-- it's catered by Enck's and they usually use powdered eggs. BUT they are not as good as the Medifast ones and I don't know if I want to waste my whole protein on something not so good.They'll have many temptations like bacon and sausage, french toast and syrup, FRUIT, sweet roles and donuts, juices, and warm sticky buns. I'll tell you how I handle that.

Also, I have a birthday celebration dinner for one of my bosses. As long as they have it somewhere where I can order a salad, seafood, and/or plain vegetables, I'll be okay, I think. The big problem will be when everyone is ordering wine or beer and I cannot. Same goes for any dessert (birthday cake???)

And then Saturday is a pig roast at Ideal. Again, I will be able to eat the pork, but I will probably have to bring along salad and dressing, and maybe some veggies for myself. I am sure there won't be ANYTHING else that looks appetizing at a picnic! Might as well get used to these situations now, as this is typically my life!

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