Monday, August 9, 2010

My First PT Consult

So, I get up (after getting up 3 times at night) and weigh myself. 9 lbs gone! I had tried a sleeping pill AND my C PaP (which I used to use faithfully, but which has bothered me a lot in the past 6 months-- I'm trying to "re-train" myself).

7:OO AM I make a Crystal Light Sunrise drink and drink it on the way to work. I grab my "oatmeal cookies" for breakfast. When I sat down to eat them, they were great! The mix had made seven cookies about the size of a half dollar. This was PLENTY! Start my water!!
I plan to have a shake at 10 AM, but a teacher comes in to talk to me with a concern and to "catch up" about 9:45 and before I know it, it is nearly 10:45.

I hear a familiar voice in the outer room, but I head into the office kitchen to make my Mocha Shake. In my hurry, I put in too much peppermint extract (to kill the "mocha") and I end up having a REALLY refreshing drink (laugh). I carry this with me as I go out to talk to my old boss (whose job I now have) who stopped in just to catch up with everyone. I am busy working on the schedule for the new year, but I go out and talk for a few minutes. He invites us all out to lunch and while they consider where to go, they decide to order in. I say, "Good, because I couldn't go any way. With my secretaries talking to him, I sneak back into my office to work.
One of the secretaries goes out to pick up their lunch while the other gets back to work. He comes in and visits me while he waits for lunch. After about 15 minutes, she comes back with a pizza! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a little too much for me. I decide I can't eat with them, as this would be too much temptation. I busy myself with my work and try to ignore the fact that they are right outside my office door enjoying pizza. If I look up, I can see them.
Once their lunch was over, my former boss leaves and I head in to make MY lunch. I THOUGHT I was having soup, but to my surprise, there is no soup in my pre-packed baggie. So I have Vanilla Pudding. This is pretty good, with a slight "french vanilla" flavor.

3:45, my health coach calls and tells me she left a referral form at the physical therapist for my appointment and also a "goodie bag."

I eat a Strawberry Crunch Bar in the car on the way to my appointment. I also am prepared with bottled water! I arrive for my appointment at 4:20 and the receptionist welcomes me by name, even though we've never met. She hands me a small bag with some Medifast samples for me to try that Gretchen left for me -- mango soft serve, crackers, fruit drinks, Maryland crab soup and more! It's funny how excited you can get about something like this-- more choices! And she has left a LOT of recipes for me that are made from Medifast products. OH MY GOD! The first item is BREAD!
After filling out a long form, I go into the waiting room to meet the PT. This place provides physical therapy and is a M.A.G.-- a medically adapted gym. The PT is pleasant and friendly and asks me lots of questions. I mention some lower back pain that keeps me from enjoying walking and even standing. He asks me to stand up and bend down and touch my toes. He is surprised I can touch not only my toes, but the floor. I bend back, stand on my toes, on my heels (did I mention I've had two fake knees for 5 years?)I get on the exam table and we do a number of leg bending and stretching moves. I am happy to discover that he doesn't think I need surgery or have a disc problem. He finds this out when he presses, hard, on my left upper buttock and I have nearly excruciating pain. He says this is a muscle problem, tells me I can skip the physical therapy part and go right to MAG. I leave with some muscle stretching exercises and advice on how to stand.
I make an appointment for two days later with the person in charge of the gym part of the program. She will design a routine for me that will help me in the weight loss, take shape plan.

6:30 I get home and decide my leftover shrimp cocktail and a big salad are just what I need. They were great!

8:30 I have the Mango soft serve! This was very good. A different treat. A little runny, so I may have added too much water or ice! Nevertheless, I ate it all.

10:10-- feeling a little hungry. I check my iPhone app and see that I still have only consumed 700 calories, so I go ahead and cave and have a snack. I decide on sugar free lemon jello, which I have made and have ready ahead of time. I do my stretches and go to bed.

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