Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day with the Teachers

Today is my "three week" anniversary and when I weighed myself this morning, I had lost 17 pounds. I have set a mini goal now of getting to 20 pounds by next Wednesday, the one month mark. I think this is really doable since I lost 10 pounds he first week, 3 three pounds the second and four pounds this week.
My days are certainly getting more challenging. Not at all because of food cravings or not liking the Medifast products. I have few craving and when I do they are only momentary. There are only a couple of the products I didn't care for. The problem is really the timing of my work commitments coupled with going to the gym right after work. Monday was harder than I expected because they actually had a chicken dish for lunch that I COULD have. I should have just stayed with my own plan, but I didn't and that threw me off all day. When I go to gym right after work, I can barely make it there and back home f=before I have to eat again. I am worried how this will work once things really get moving for me at work. It takes about an hour and a half to do my "routine" at the gym, so the earliest I can get home now is about 6. That means I put in a 12 hour day each time I go there. That plus the boring routine aren't much incentive to keep doing it. BUT I have made appointments for the next weeks to go and after Monday I will have done 7 sessions, so I will get some of my "vital signs" (like inches lost) checked and maybe an altered routine, too. This might provide more incentive.
Tuesday went pretty smoothly. I had some of the "no-bean" Turkey Chili I made in the crockpot over the weekend. This was excellent. Some days I know I have more protein or vegetables than strictly on the plan, but with the extra exercise and the fact that what I am doing is working, I feel I am doing fine. I do record all of it in my Lose It app and it tells me pretty accurately if I have taken in fewer calories or specifically protein or too much fat and I use that to decide if I can add a vegetable or protein.
Today was really hard. It was the first day the teachers were back, so we had special programs. I got off to a bad start when I couldn't get in breakfast because I had to leave earlier. I thought I'd make a quick shake at work before the morning meeting, but when I got there about 7:15 my computer wasn't working right so I got caught up in trying to solve that problem. I set off for the high school with only having had 2 cups of water. Luckily, I still had the leftover mini "muffins" I had made on Tuesday. I ate two as I walked to the high school. Now this was a good thing. It's only about a quarter mile, but I hadn't walked over for about two years-- last year , remember, I was in the hospital on this day getting my ICD implanted.

The meeting lasted about three hours. I had avoided the breakfast buffet tehy had prepared for teachers by coming in a different door but when break time came, I went out looking for water since the muffins were dry and I had already drunk what I brought. They had fruit, bagels, sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls and lots more stuff... but no water. I ended up taking a cup of ice and dealing with the dryness that way.

I walked back to my building about 11 AM and immediately had a bunch of questions from different people to take care of. So, my plan to get a meal in right away fizzled. I ended up eating my leftover half portion of tuna salad and lettuce, about 11:30 and followed that almost immediately with a Medifast Maryland Crab Soup because I had a faculty meeting at one that I had to set up for. That meeting went for another three hours, almost, and I was out the door headed for the gym eating a very tasty Cinnamon Roll Crunch Bar on the way. I like getting there early (just after 4) because it is less crowded. I got home afterward about 6 and still had two medifast meals and at least a half portion lean and green to get in! So, I put a salad and a "surf and turf" mix of a couple of thin slices of London Broil and my leftover salmon on a plate and had that within 10 minutes of getting home. This gave me time to space out a pudding and a shake or bar-- haven't quite decided on the last meal today.

I got my new batch of food yesterday and there are some new things to try. So, I'll have some more variety also in my meals since I now have enough for at least 6 weeks. The first two orders each came with an extra free week of food. Among the items I got are some "grab and go" meals. This is something I have to work on-- getting more items that don't need to be "made" or can be pre-made. I think that will help me get my meals in on time.
Next week will be the real test!

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