Thursday, October 7, 2010

My 8 Week Anniversary

So, today marked 8 weeks that I have been on the Medifast Take Shape for Life Plan. I know you are wondering if I made my mini-goal of 30 pounds by my second month. Yes, in fact, I lost 32!  I think this is pretty good since I have been much busier this month and have not been watching as closely.
I have had some more challenges and face more ahead. This really gives me a picture of what my life is like and how difficult it is to stay on any program. This past Tuesday was another geocaching get together. We met a JoBoy's Brew Pub. The ONLY thing on the menu I could eat was steamed collard greens! No kidding, they didn't even have salad! So I had that and a diet coke ( which WASN'T on the menu, but luckily they had.  Then Andy's birthday rolled around over the weekend. I thought carefully about what I could have and how I might "fake" a cake for myself. I ended up making the crockpot chili cauliflower soup again, then serving  seared scallops and shrimp etouffe with a "make your own" salad and asparagus.  For the cake, I made cottage pudding with nutmeg sauce for Andy and Patty and made a similar version for myself from Medifast Pudding and a Vanilla Shake mix. My sauce was made from Splenda and spray butter instead of the "full octane"  sauce. It was pretty good.

My next challenge was a surprise. I got sick! I had some sort of virus and it was hard to get any food down, let alone the 6 meals I was supposed to have.  I only made 5 and I had Medifast chicken noodle soup for breakfast!  The next day I felt pretty much better, so I got back on track.
Now I am preparing for my next challenge: the camping/caching weekend with Laurie and Gene.  Since we won't have electricity (although I understand we now have a generator from Bill) I have planned 10-12 no-cook meals. I will make some things ahead tomorrow night and put things together when I am ready to eat. Other things can just be mixed with water. I will need an entire cooler for two days! Of course, if we stop somewhere to eat, there may be things I can buy, so I won't feel deprived and who knows, there may be more out there than I expect. But--- just in case-- I'll be ready. I'll let you know how it goes!

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